Lisbon Cub Scout Pack 109 celebrates accomplishments at camporee

LISBON — Cub Scout Pack 109 of Lisbon conducted its annual camporee the weekend of June 15 and 16, a culmination of everything the Scouts learned during the year, a whole lot of fun, some additional learning, and a cross-over event leading up to a huge bonfire.
The Scouts started the event by receiving an award from the Pine Tree District, recognizing the entire pack for training all of its leaders and attaining all of its goals during the year.
After setting up tents and getting ready, the pack’s cub master appeared on a boat-like structure dressed as a pirate (theme of the event): “Arggggggh!” The scouts were divided into patrols and given the opportunity to find “treasures beyond their wildest dreams;” little did they know that they were, in fact, the treasures.
After a good night’s rest, the Scouts woke up early and participated in an optional Polar Bear plunge in Loon Pond before devouring pancakes and doing arts and crafts, playing games, orienteering, fishing and again, enjoying the refreshing lake temperatures.
The Scouts learned something new at each event before being set loose for some fun and rotating through stations. Later, they enjoyed a visit from “Captain Campfire” while singing motivational songs and waking up all the wildlife within a square mile.
Then, the Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos received awards respectively — the overachiever award, the World Conservation Award, the Emergency Preparedness Award, Messengers of Peace, the God and Me religious emblem, and part of the International Spirit Award. The highlight of the evening, however, was when each den got to walk as individuals, across a small bridge symbolizing the Scouts’ crossing over onto a new path — moving up in rank. Each Scout will started a new chapter of their scouting experience at that very moment.
This year, Lisbon’s Pack 109 earned the Gold Journey of Excellence Award and was recognized by Abnaki Council as being one of its Ultimate Units of 2019. The pack will be present at the Open House for Lisbon Community School when the new school year starts.
For more information about these events and more, contact the pack at or look it up on Facebook — Pack109.Lisbon.

TOP PHOTO: New Webelos, from left, Sophia Kuhl, Jake Baird, Keiran Johnston and Robert Lawler. In back, Cub Master James Howard and den leaders Hillary Kuhl and Gene Baird. (Sumitted photo)

New Wolves from left, Leslie Poulin, Kygel Kuhn, Corey Brayall, Eric Ackley, Calvin Marquis with Den leaders Ed Poulin. (Submitted photo)
New Bears, from left, Logan Beal, Logan Diaz, Abby Marks and Gabe Hunter with Den leader Tala Pine.
(Submitted photo)