Lewiston goes both friendly and stately

A colorful family of snow people — located at the apex of Raymond Park in Lewiston — (above) are a welcoming sight at Main and Lincoln streets, especially for motorists and walkers approaching from Auburn. A stately traditional Christmas tree stands proudly near the gazebo in Lewiston’s Kennedy Park (below). Once known only as City Park, the name was changed to honor and memorialize President John F. Kennedy on Dec. 3, 1963, 13 days after Kennedy’s assassination. As a candidate, Kennedy visited Lewiston on Sunday, Nov. 6, 1960, two days before the presidential election. At one point, 14,000 had gathered to hear him speak, but he arrived much later than expected on a cold evening; still, 8,000 remained, according to a report in the Lewiston Daily Sun. (Linda Galway photos)