Songs and scenes from “Godspell?” performed in Raymond through April 12

RAYMOND — “Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord:” Songs and scenes from the musical “Godspell,” will be held at 10 a.m. Sundays, March 8 through April 12, at the Raymond Village Community Church, 27 Main St., Raymond Village.
In an effort to make Lent and Easter more accessible, meaningful and memorable for everyone, the church will be bringing the most iconic songs and scenes from the beloved musical ‘Godspell to Sunday services during Lent and on Easter Sunday.
“Godspell is a colorful reimagining of the ministry of Jesus. Lent is the perfect time to reflect on the compassionate community that he brought into being – something that is vividly captured in the musical,” said RVCC’s pastor, the Rev. Nancy Foran. “Many churches have done full productions of ‘Godspell,’ but we haven’t found any that have brought Godspell into worship and worship into Godspell and done so over the course of a full church season.”
The first worship on March 8 will include a pastoral reflection on the musical, followed by the Philosophers’ Prologue, the entry of John the Baptist (“Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord”), and the Baptism of Jesus, ending with the song, “God Save the People.” Each subsequent week, Foran will be commenting on the parables and songs that will be the focus of that week, incorporating elements of worship into the scenes.
The cast consists of the church’s choir members and well-known area singers and musicians recruited by RVCC music director Patrick Martin. “I love ‘Godspell’ and have been involved in a number of productions before. When Nancy and I hit upon the idea of blending Godspell and worship during Lent, we both got very excited!”
The series of services will include the most memorable of Godspell songs, from “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord” to “Day By Day,” “Turn Back Oh Man,” “All Good Gifts,” “Side By Side” and others.
Everyone in the region who loves “Godspell” and/or is searching to deepen their Lenten/Easter experience is cordially invited to come and be inspired by these unique worships.
Raymond Village Community Church is a United Church of Christ congregation. It is a diverse faith community embracing tolerance, committed to missions and outreach, singing joyfully, and welcoming all people no matter who they are, or where they are on their faith journey. For more information about the church, contact Foran, 207-655-7749 or