Andover’s Cavanagh is TRAC featured artist from Aug. 17-Sept. 29

BETHEL — Table Rock Arts Center’s newest exhibition, “The Works of Deidre Cavanagh,” will run from Aug. 17 through Sept. 29.
A reception for Cavanagh, of Andover, and her work will be held from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, at 162 Main St. The reception is open to the public.
Cavanagh says, “I rhapsodize about how the paper (cold press, hot press, rough, BFK rives) responds to the ink, the water, the paint, about expensive brushes when one can afford them and fine pen nibs when one can find them. As far back as I can remember, I made pictures and over the years have been sustained in my commitment to the process by William the Silent because from him I learned that hope is not necessary to act, and success is not necessary to persevere. I see life as the creative and an artist as the receptive.”
Table Rock Arts Center is an integrated environment featuring two gallery spaces — one for multimedia and one for shows, workshops and whimsical home décor. Every six to eight weeks, a new featured artist is installed, accented by TRAC’s home décor pieces. The gallery presents a wide diversity of artistic expression and experience.
For information, visit

IMAGES: Artwork by Deidre Cavanagh. (Submitted photos)