BRIDGTON – The Pleasant Mountain Snowmobile Club

State bond issue will help local trails




Photo: Bob Corthell Club VP, Mark Chinnock, and Blaine Chapman Club President, Bill Preis

Bridgton’s  Pleasant Mountain Snowmobile Club (formerly known as Bridgton Easy Riders) met at Bridgton Community Center for their monthly pot-luck supper and meeting on November 8.

Mark Chinnock, President of The Maine Snowmobile Association was the guest speaker. He spoke about the newly passed state ballot measure, Question 4, which was passed recently by Maine voters by a 3 to 1 majority. The $7.5 million total for each of the next 4 years will provide funds for the design, development and maintenance of Maine’s outdoor recreational trails. The funds will be used to shore up critical trail infrastructure and support repairs due to storm damage in all parts of the State. The funds are to be used for motorized, non-motorized, and multi-use recreational trails, including snowmobile trails.