Noise exposure and motorcycle use

It’s that time of year again! The sun is shining and we all want to get out of the house and enjoy the fresh air. This is also a time of year which motorcyclists are out on the road. Most riders forget to minimize an obvious, but often overlooked, risk — hearing loss! Earplugs can easily help reduce the risk of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
Motorcyclists are one segment of the population of Americans at risk for NIHL. Thirty million Americans are at risk for NIHL in the workplace, recreational settings and at home. Motorcyclists are exposed to the loud noises of the motorcycle, as well as the wind noise.
At 40 mph, motorcyclists are exposed to 90 decibels of low frequency wind noise caused by turbulent airflow around the helmet. OSHA requires hearing protection for exposure over 85 decibels. The louder the noise, the less time you are safely able to be exposed to the noise before it can cause permanent hearing damage.
If you ride a daotorcycle or know someone who does, here are some tips:
* Wear earplugs when riding a motorcycle. Disposable foam earplugs are inexpensive and can reduce up to 25 decibels of sound. This means harmful levels of noise are reduced, but not enough to interfere with your ability to hear engines or surrounding warning signals. * Avoid high speeds, which cause excessive wind noise. * If you listen to music while you ride, use noise-canceling earphones. Many people turn the volume up to drown out the engine or wine noise; however, this is only causing more noise exposure. * Get your hearing tested! Dr. Becca Rancourt at Waterville Audiology will be able to determine your current hearing levels. If you have hearing loss, you will be educated on the appropriate steps to prevent any further damage.
If you wear hearing aids, please take them out and exchange them for hearing protection as this will help prevent your hearing loss from becoming worse.
Waterville Audiology offers custom hearing protection designed to fit your ear and your ear only. Call us today at 207-872-0320 to book your hearing test or custom hearing protection appointment!
— Becca Rancourt, Au.D. CCC-A Waterville Audiology