FEATURED COLUMN by John McDonald: Happy New Year!

By John McDonald I got a Christmas card the other day from some distant relatives up-country. The way I look at it, any relative you…

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FEATURED COLUMN by John McDonald: Let’s hear it for small towns

By John McDonald We’ve all heard the complaints from folks — mostly those from away– about life in small towns. These people go on as…

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FEATURED COLUMN by John McDonald: Christmas past

By John McDonald The other day I was out in the barn looking over some abandoned gifts from Christmases past, and I began to wonder…

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FEATURED COLUMN by John McDonald: Our NH neighbors, ‘Live Free or Die’

By John McDonald This may be the kind of useless information only a radio talk-show host like me would love, but did you know Maine…

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FEATURED COLUMN by John McDonald: If the shoe fits…

By John McDonald From the time their folks died, Roscoe and Harold Cushman lived quietly in a camp on the family woodlot about 12 miles…

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FEATURED COLUMN by John McDonald: The motorcycle arrives in style

By John McDonald The older folks back home like to tell the story about the first motorcycle ever seen in their quiet Down East town….

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FEATURED COLUMN by John McDonald: What could possible go wrong?

By John McDonald If I were to make a list of the top-ten things we need to make the world a better place, self-driving cars…

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FEATURED COLUMN by John McDonald: Ah yes, the foot thingy

By John McDonald We haven’t done any stretching exercises lately by reaching across the desk and into our neat, but not overly ostentatious, mailbag. So…

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FEATURED COLUMN by John McDonald: My bank? My bag? My bad

By John McDonald I remember the days when you had to go to the bank to do your banking. What ever happened to those days?…

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FEATURED COLUMN by John McDonald: Please leaf Maine alone

By John McDonald Every year it’s the same thing. Soon after the kids go back to school and the summer complaints go back to wherever…

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